Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve~~A story of my Kids

Happy New Years Eve! I went to the store to grab a few things for the informal, I don't think anyone will show up party we are having tonight. I took Emma with me because she is my shopper. She loves to go to the store regardless of what kind of store it is. I also needed milk and some water softener salt so that was my main purpose. I braved the roads after the 6 inches of snow we got last night and it wasn't really all that bad. Some roads were a bit slippery but I was fine and didn't slide off the road at all.

Now John was here with the other two kids. I love having him home for a few extra days. It is nice to have two parents during the day so I can get some things done. John is a great husband who loves to keep the house looking nice, kids happily playing and me from shoveling snow too much.

I got home and sent Emma in the house so I could get the groceries. What did I see when I opened the door? Let me show you!

Yes John, my wonderful husband, has made the coolest indoor fort ever! He cracks me up with his over the top creations sometimes! Like the time he made a hamburger patty out of 1 pound of ground beef. It was as big as the 12 inch plate.

He also read to the kids while in the fort. There is a hand scanning device as well so that you can get into the fort. Clever boys!

After taking the pictures of the fort I asked him where Rachel was. "Is she upstairs sleeping?" I ask. "I guess" was his reply. Ok I should have caught the cluelessness in that reply, but I didn't. After searching every room upstairs including closets and bathrooms and NOT finding my youngest child; I head back downstairs to ask John what really did happen to our 3 year old.

This is where we found her. I guess that Mormon Doctrine is a bit much for a three year old to take in and not fall asleep. Incidentally, this happens to be her favorite book. She will pull this one out all the time and "read" it to me.

Gotta love my kids (all 4 of them)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween was fun

I enjoyed my time this year for halloween. There was plenty to keep us busy and entertained for the duration of the "season". We went to four costumed activities with the kids and while I suck at taking pictures (I just forget that I need these things!) I did get a few.

Here we have Emma in her first of four Halloween costumes. I really should learn that my darling, precocious, creative and hilarious 5 year old wouldn't be able to settle on one costume for Halloween. She can't even wear less than 3 outfits in a day, despite my constant nagging and frustration.

When I asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween I got some great answers. Logan, who was a ninja last year, wanted to be a Ninja! Yay I already had the costume since he doesn't grow all that fast. Rachel, who was a black cat last year, wanted to be a kitty. Another point for mommy! Two costumes down and I still wasn't out any time or expense. Then I get to Emma, the consummate diva, she decided she wanted to be a princess. Ok I can do that! She wanted to be the "Yellow Princess". That for you Disney illiterate would be Belle ala Beauty and the Beast. She wants the costume in the Disney Store that is 70 bucks. Um, I saved a bunch of money on your siblings costumes, but that is a bit extreme, so after telling her no about 7 billion times and her throwing the king of all fits, IN THE STORE, we leave after I tell her that I can find one online for less money.

I didn't. I did however find one at Costco just in time for her birthday that was pretty cute! Yay she is happy, I am happy and costume planning is done. Well if you notice the picture above, she is not a beautiful princess. She is however a wonderful monkey. Yes that's right folks once I got the Halloween decorations out we found the costumes. The monkey one fit her perfectly. Now she wants to be a monkey. Ok no big deal right? Sure i spent money on a Belle dress, but that can be used for dress up and it was her birthday.

She was a monkey for our Trunk or Treat with Tooele Mommies. She was a Princess for the halloween carnival. Oh yeah there are two more activities left. Guess what that means. Yup you guessed it, two more costumes. For the ward dinner/trunk or treat she ended up being a princess again. No not in the Belle costume, not in the snow white dress from the carnival, but a completely new one! She had a cute little dress-up dress that is very princess like. She threw that on, a crown from our dress up box and a lovely purple feather boa.

Now comes the actual day. It is cold. It is raining. I have been feeling like crap for the last two days due to pregnancy, dehydration and fatigue. Yeah I tend to stop drinking water when I don't feel well. Stupid really, but this blog post isn't about me. Daddy is taking them Trick or Treating. I try to convince Emma that the monkey costume would be best since it is a very nice and warm costume. Like a little coat. NOPE! Apparently she is a movie star who when seen in public in an outfit will never wear said outfit again. She now wants to be a rock star. Yeah, it is 5pm no one has had dinner but there is a break in the wind and rain so we figure it's now or never. Emma finds herself a very pretty dress, we tie a feather boa around her waist (no it wasn't the same boa from before) and I make up her face in my makeup. Since i hadn't planned on a rock star I have nothing flashy, but somehow we make it work.

She wasn't happy that I was not going to be trick or treating with them, or that Daddy opted to drive them around the neighborhood as opposed to walking in the rain which had started up again. Oh what is that you say? Where is Rachel? Asleep upstairs in the spare room. She had half a grocery sack of candy from the night before so I didn't bother waking her up.

yeah Halloween was fun. So glad it only comes around once a year.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Living on the Moon

Once upon a time I lived in Happy Valley. It was happy. It was a valley. It was near to all my family and we all got along. Singing songs while holding hands around town was a common occurrence. I'm pretty sure that is where all things good come from, this magical happy valley.

Then I got married and moved to Sin City. If anything bad happened on the news, it was in Sin City. That kid that died from child abuse, it was down the street. The drive by shooting? Yeah that was about 3 miles away. Oh and the house fire that killed someone you ask, why yes I knew the family and my kids played at the park with that someone.

We outgrew our house and needed something bigger. Well being that Sin City is a very expensive place to live and that Happy Valley was a bit too far from work and even more expensive, we decided it was best to move to the Moon. Now don't get all excited, the moon is really a rather nice place to live. I can feel good about my kids playing outside. My 6 year old can walk to his friends house down the street and I don't have to watch to make sure that no one kidnaps him. I can see the stars really well from the Moon. I mean I didn't know there were that many stars! Wow!

We have a Wal-Mart. A SUPER Wal-mart. Well what else would you expect to be here on the moon anyway? A Nordstrom's? I could use a few other options for my shopping pleasure, but it doesn't take that long to get back to Sin City so if I really need something that the "great and terrible" doesn't have I can head back down to earth.

Now I love living here on the Moon. I keep trying to get people to move out here so we have more friends and family near by, but they keep telling me its too far away. That is in fact one of the only reasons living on the Moon is not so great. I can't get anyone to come and visit. Well some do because I am just too awesome to pass up, but most make up excuses or just tell me strait up that we live on the MOON! Duh it would take all day to come and visit!

I get it, really I do. That is one of the reasons I like living on the Moon so much, because it is nice and out of the way. Quiet and calm where I can sit on my porch and watch the stars and the freight trains that pass by everyday. So in the end don't be afraid of taking a trip to the dark side of the Moon. You might just find there are some really nice people living there.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I love school. I want to go back to school and just learn. Really! I yearn for more information on several topics and I would like to be one of those people who know a little bit about everything. You know the annoying guy sitting next to you at the company Christmas, whoops I mean Year End party. Yeah that's who I want to be.

Logan however does not share my enthusiasm for school. Oh sure once he is there is loves the kids, the work, the learning, the RECESS!!! But oh my good heavens is it hard to get that kid to school in the morning! He pitches a fit pretty much each and every morning. One thing that I have found that helps out a bunch, and don't shoot me for this, is that if I wake him up early make his eat and get ready for school, he is allowed to play video/computer games until school starts. If I warn him that he only has 5 min left he usually, and I mean USUALLY, gets into the car without too much fuss if any. There are days that I wish the video game was never invented, for instance last night, but I am glad my 6 year old son has found his niche in this world. Lets just hope he makes me, I mean himself a millionaire some day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

That was too easy

Rachel loves to play in the water. She will sit, well stand anyway, at the sink for an hour playing in the running water if I let her. She loves it so much that I often put her up at the sink in the kitchen while I am cooking and let her play. It keeps her busy, out from under my feet and I know she isn't going to get hurt. Well tonight I was making fudge and so I had to be at the stove stirring constantly. She was so whiney that I put the stool up by the sink and let her have fun.

Well 15 minutes later she is still playing and I am done with the fudge. I don't exactly like high water bills and with the lawn watering season upon us, well you get the idea. I turn off the water, get her down, leave the room and sit down at my computer to pass the time while the fudge cools.

In comes the raging beast! She is screaming and pitching the biggest fit! I could have cut off a toe and it would have produced less noise from her. I tried ignoring, that made it worse, I told her to stop, she ignored me and continued her unintelligible tirade. I had had enough so I closed the computer, looked her right in the eye and asked if she would like to sit in time out until she calmed down.

"NO!" was the answer I got from her. I offered her more solutions to the "No Water" problem, including TV. All were answered the same way, "NO!" in her high pitched cutesy little voice.

I had had enough, "Rachel do you want to sit in time out or be a good girl and go watch TV?"

Then as calm as can be she says, "Yup!" and walks away to watch Wonder Pets. WHAT!!!! Just 2 minutes ago you were screaming at me that you did not want to watch TV and now it's ok? Good even? I looked at John, sitting on the couch beside me and we both laughed.

"That was too easy," I said, "But I'll take it!" Two year old children are some of the most irrational people on the planet. But don't you just love them!