Here we have Emma in her first of four Halloween costumes. I really should learn that my darling, precocious, creative and hilarious 5 year old wouldn't be able to settle on one costume for Halloween. She can't even wear less than 3 outfits in a day, despite my constant nagging and frustration.
When I asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween I got some great answers. Logan, who was a ninja last year, wanted to be a Ninja! Yay I already had the costume since he doesn't grow all that fast. Rachel, who was a black cat last year, wanted to be a kitty. Another point for mommy! Two costumes down and I still wasn't out any time or expense. Then I get to Emma, the consummate diva, she decided she wanted to be a princess. Ok I can do that! She wanted to be the "Yellow Princess". That for you Disney illiterate would be Belle ala Beauty and the Beast. She wants the costume in the Disney Store that is 70 bucks. Um, I saved a bunch of money on your siblings costumes, but that is a bit extreme, so after telling her no about 7 billion times and her throwing the king of all fits, IN THE STORE, we leave after I tell her that I can find one online for less money.
I didn't. I did however find one at Costco just in time for her birthday that was pretty cute! Yay she is happy, I am happy and costume planning is done. Well if you notice the picture above, she is not a beautiful princess. She is however a wonderful monkey. Yes that's right folks once I got the Halloween decorations out we found the costumes. The monkey one fit her perfectly. Now she wants to be a monkey. Ok no big deal right? Sure i spent money on a Belle dress, but that can be used for dress up and it was her birthday.
She was a monkey for our Trunk or Treat with Tooele Mommies. She was a Princess for the halloween carnival. Oh yeah there are two more activities left. Guess what that means. Yup you guessed it, two more costumes. For the ward dinner/trunk or treat she ended up being a princess again. No not in the Belle costume, not in the snow white dress from the carnival, but a completely new one! She had a cute little dress-up dress that is very princess like. She threw that on, a crown from our dress up box and a lovely purple feather boa.
Now comes the actual day. It is cold. It is raining. I have been feeling like crap for the last two days due to pregnancy, dehydration and fatigue. Yeah I tend to stop drinking water when I don't feel well. Stupid really, but this blog post isn't about me. Daddy is taking them Trick or Treating. I try to convince Emma that the monkey costume would be best since it is a very nice and warm costume. Like a little coat. NOPE! Apparently she is a movie star who when seen in public in an outfit will never wear said outfit again. She now wants to be a rock star. Yeah, it is 5pm no one has had dinner but there is a break in the wind and rain so we figure it's now or never. Emma finds herself a very pretty dress, we tie a feather boa around her waist (no it wasn't the same boa from before) and I make up her face in my makeup. Since i hadn't planned on a rock star I have nothing flashy, but somehow we make it work.
She wasn't happy that I was not going to be trick or treating with them, or that Daddy opted to drive them around the neighborhood as opposed to walking in the rain which had started up again. Oh what is that you say? Where is Rachel? Asleep upstairs in the spare room. She had half a grocery sack of candy from the night before so I didn't bother waking her up.
yeah Halloween was fun. So glad it only comes around once a year.