Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Mothers Christmas Poem

The Night before Christmas for Moms

It was the night before Christmas,when all thru the abode
Only one creature was stirring,and she was cleaning the commode.
The children were finally sleeping,all snug in their bedsWhile
visions of Nintendo Wii and Barbie flipped through their heads.
The dad was snoring in front of the TV,With a half-constructed
bicycle on his knee.
So only the mom heard the reindeer hooves clatterWhich made her
sigh"Now what's the matter?"

With toilet bowl brush still clutched in her handShe descended the
stairs,and saw the old man.
He was covered with ashes and soot,which fell with a shrug.
"Oh great" muttered the mom"Now I have to clean the rug."

"Ho-ho-ho!" cried Santa"I'm glad you're awake."
"Your gift was especially difficult to make."
but all I want is some time alone."
"Exactly!" he chuckled"I've made you a clone."

"A clone?" she asked"What good is that?
Run along,Santa,I've no time for chit-chat."
The mother's twin. Same hair,same eyes,Same double chin.

"She'll cook,she'll dust" She'll mop every mess.
You'll relax,take it easy,Watch The Young & the
Restless." "Fantastic!" the mom cheered. "My dream come true!
"I'll shop. I'll read.I'll sleep a whole night through! "

From the room above,the youngest began to fret.
"Mommy?! I scared... And I am wet."
The clone replied"I'm coming,sweetheart."
"Hey" the mom smiled"She knows her part."

The clone changed the small one,and hummed a tune,as she bundled the
child,in a blanket cocoon.
"You the best mommy ever. " I really love you."
The clone smiled and sighed"I love you,too."

The mom frowned and said"SorrySantano deal. "
That's my child's love,she's trying to steal."
Smiling wisely Santa said"To me it is clear"
Only one loving mother,is needed here."

The mom kissed her child,and tucked her into bed.
"Thank youSantafor clearing my head.
I sometimes forget,it won't be very longWhen they'll be too old,for
my cradle-song."

The clock on the mantle began to chime.
Santa whispered to the clone"It works every time."
With the clone by his side Santa said"Goodnight. Merry
Christmas,Mom,You'll be all right."

-Author Unknown

Monday, October 20, 2008

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

Oh my what a dress!!! I so would love to win this. How cute would Emma be wearing this dress!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Craft Boutique

I am putting together a small boutique for neighbors and friends. It will be at my house on Saturday October 11th from 10am to 1pm. Please come if you are in the area and look over my stuff!!

Also I am going to be a part of the Girls Day Out boutique. For more information on that please check out their blog at It will be November 8th from 9am to 5pm.

I will be debuting several new ideas for boys at these shows too so bring your transformer loving little guys for some great items!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New items in my store

I have been trying to come up with some fun ways to expand my stores offerings and I have come up with these. My kids loved the fifty cent wands I got from West Fest this year, but they were trashed in a matter of days. These have been tested by my wonderful army of 3 and 4 year olds for the last week and they are still going strong.

Let me know what you think! You can purchase on from my congo at on Monday the 15th!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Picture tag

Ok so Amy tagged me for this picture tag. I guess that means I better find them batteries for the camera.

Take the pictures right now, no cleaning, sweeping or pushing aside things before you take the picture. No cheating!

Kitchen Sink! With all that crud at the bottom of the sink I promise I didn't cheat!

Pantry. Yeah I have a messy one. I have been meaning to clean it.

Yet another pantry pic so you can see the fruit loops at the top!

My wonderful Fridge!!! Yeah it is stocked with just about everything. I have just finished cleaning out the leftovers too.

My favorite room and also Caspers favorite room.

BATHROOM! It is scary but mostly clean

MY KIDS RIGHT NOW. Emma has given up her afternoon nap, but she usually falls asleep at 5:30 or 6pm right now. I just cant get her to nap during the day!

Rachel just woke up from her afternoon nap.

ME. Good greif, I need makeup!

My CLOSET. Yeah I want doors on this thing!

Laundry room. Ok so I use it as a storage space! So sue me!

My FAVORITE SHOES. I love these things. I wish I had a pair of brown and black ones too.

Ok there you go. Promise I didn't cheat!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to School

Ok so I am not going back to school, but I am going back to daycare. I was going to watch a friend of Logan's this year until his older siblings got home from school, but I figured why not add another one so there was a friend for emma too. Well I did and now I have 4 additional kids! It is wonderful. Oddly enough I really am enjoying it. I have never been so tired at the end of the day, but it is very easy going kind of day. The kids are all getting along really well together, knock on wood, and that gives me a few minutes a day to get my house picked up or cleaned a little bit.

Yes I am keeping the house fairly clean. I can't say that it is spotless at all times, or ever really, but you can see the carpet in all the rooms, the bottom of both kitchen sink basins, and the counter tops. I even manage to mop the floor once a week!

The extra money is great to help with the few bills that we were falling behind on and some in the coffers for some sod this fall! Yay!!! I will have grass that can be walked on in bare feet. What a concept! It is just the back little bit, but I really needed to have some grass in there with all the kids I have during the day.

Oh and congrats to Heather and Jared~ You know why.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My bathroom sucks

~steps up onto soap box~

Ok so all day today the Nekked Princess has been playing in the sink upstairs in the bathroom. She soaked the floor, herself and I have found a trail of water leading from the bathroom, down the hall and ending in a large puddle in her bedroom. I think to myself, Ok I will just turn off the water. I have told her repeatedly today and countless other days that I do not want her playing in the sink. It has never sunk in I guess. At 3 years old though I don't really expect her to be the queen of obedience.

I unlock the cabinet below the sink (yes it is kept locked, with my brood can you blame me?) Twist the handle to the cold and hot water shut offs and then turn the handles on the faucett. Of course water is still coming out, albeit with less pressure. I get a bit of rusty water from the 1966 iron pipes and I turn the shut offs the other direction. Still nothing is completely shut off! I figure my idea was a bad one seeing as we have the stupidest house on the planet. Nothing works as it should. I turn the knobs back to their starting point, which was about half on/half off, and I still have very little water pressure!!!! Are you kidding me? I can not get the water to come back to the previous water pressure no matter which direction I twist those nasty little knobs.

So now I have a bathroom that my darling daughter will not be able to play in the water in, but neither can we wash our hands! Ok so we do have a second sink in that bathroom, but I am just so pissed off! Why was this house put together by a sub-sub-contractor who didn't know what they were doing? GRRRRRRR! I want to move! Can anyone lend me $100,000 interest free?

~steps down from soap box~

Friday, August 1, 2008

Who taught her this?

Emma has been running around all day basiclly nekked. She prefers it that way and really I don't mind since we are not going anywhere and it helps her go on the potty. I went down to use the bathroom myself and this is what I saw! I had to keep myself from busting up laughing. I mean really who taught her this? I guess it was her daddy!

Isn't it the man who spends more time in the throne room than anyone just being "alone"? Anyway here you go. Don't worry they are tame!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Going to pick Apricots

Anyone want to come up and help me can them? I will let you take a few home with you!!!

Yay for free fruit!!!

I'll post pictures later.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Old Age

How do you know when you have gotten too old? Well I will tell you, it ain't the wrinkles, it starts way before they do. I was having a nice little chat with my darling husband on sunday as we drove to my parents house for the family dinner. We were discussing all kinds of things and he asks when I went to UVSC. It was a part of my life that had great meaning for me so it took about 3 or 4 minutes to figure out when exactly that was! I had to start at graduation from High School and work my way up to UVSC.

Thing is, I have totally forgotten a year of my life. Now, I have never taken any mood altering drugs, well apart from those few days after the c-sections, but 1996 has completely disapeared from my memory. I didn't think memory loss was an issue until at least my 4th decade, so why at 32 can I not remember an entire year of my life? I vagely remember working at the Sears call center making technition repair appointments, but I am pretty sure I didn't work there a full year.

Lets just go over what I do remember shall we?

May 1994 I graduated from High School.

Summer 1994 I believe (again with the foggy memory) I then worked at either Fred Meyer or the Storehouse Market

Aug-Oct 1995 Snow College (I am aware that this is not a full semester, but I was not ready to go to college. I "dropped out")

January 1995 Nanny in Connecticut. By the way the three year old that I took care of is now old enough to drive a car and his sister is probably in her second(or third) year at college! She is older than the kids I am currently working with!

November 1995 Grandpa Lofthouse dies and my life hits the fan so to speak. I leave the nanny job in early/mid december.

The elusive 1996

January 1997-August 1997 Utah State University in Logan. This is the year I learned I snore, thanks to a wonderfully tolerant roommate. She threw pencils at me in the middle of the night so I would turn over and stop snoring!

Aug-Nov 1997 Walmart Portrait studio. I loved this job and had a bunch of fun saving up money for the mission.

Nov10 1997-Jan/Feb 1998 Mission in England. It wasn't long lived, but it was a great experience that helped me in more ways than one.

1998 Bought Moira the red Civic and started working at Clarke American in Salt Lake City.

August 1999 Started going to UVSC and at some point I moved to BYU houseing in Provo

October 2000 I started working at Sento in American Fork

Not sure what month but in 2001 I moved in with Whitney in the Haunted Apartment down in Provo. She deserted me not too long after that to get MARRIED! Of all the nerve! (Feb 2002)

Early 2002 I graduated from UVSC with an associates degree in Early Childhood education.

April 2002 quit sento to work as a nanny in Springville. That didn't work out as they wanted a live in and I didn't so I became unemployed and homeless. No wait, that's a lie! I just became unemployed. I got several temp jobs to make my living. I also worked at a daycare center in orem this summer.

June 28th 2002 started talking to Mr. Shambie from LDS
July 5th 2002 He asked me out. We went out to dinner (on the 6th) at the Macaroni Grill and then saw a movie, possibly men in black 2.

It was also in July that I started going to school at Mountain west college for my paralegal degree. Became unemployed again, but still working at temp jobs.

July 28th Mr. Shambie, ie: John Cannon, asked me if I wouldn't mind to much going to look for wedding rings with him. And yes that is more or less how he put it.

July 29th John leaves for his Cannon Family Reunion. I am unable to tell anyone I am now engaged. For a whole week!

September 2002 I start working at Marriott. I worked there longer than any other job to date.

November 16th 2002, John and I get married. I have one day off due to bronchitis so we have our honeymoon in Salt Lake.

The rest is pretty much vivid in my memory to include having Logan, buying a house, having emma, loosing my job, being a full time mom, a few more family reunions and finally but of course not least Rachel and the new job.

So if anyone is out there reading this, please tell me what exactly I did in 1996! This is, my friends, how I know I am loosing my precious memory. It might have something to do with the fact that my life was pretty much wake up, work, eat, and sleep in 1996 so I might not be missing much, but that is really odd that I can't remember that year of my life!

I guess I could make something up, like working for the secret service or maybe that was the year I had brain surgery and no one is telling me about it! Oh well, I guess it is better to forget the nothingness of one year than forget about my family and children. Let us hope I don't have a relapse and forget 2006. ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pics of the kids

John my manly man!
Svelt me! Whoot 195 lbs and counting down.

Logan now drives us to the store. Emma knows how to rope you in!

Rachel likes funny faces and bows too!

West Fest was fun and LONG!!

Here is the set up of the booth/tent

Here are some product displays

It really was fun and I am not sure if I will do this next year, but I really liked the exposure I got from it, and I think next year I will take a bit different approach to the products. We will see.

Winding down

Ok so things have been lets just say crazy for the last two weeks for us here at the Cannon home. I was getting ready for the WestFest and running around like a chicken with the head cut off. I spent much of the last weekend in June at the park in West Valley and did pretty good for the heat and time I spent working on it. I have tons of bows and stuff still available if anyone wants a discounted bow, just let me know.

The Cannon Family Reunion was the 30th-3rd and it was so much fun to see all those crazy cannons. I truely won the lottery with this family. I could have married into a family that hates each other and is annoying but lucky me I get the Cannons. The craziest, most friendly, and most fun to be around family. Ok I really Love my Andersen clan, don't get me wrong, but really? I love these Cannons.

Ok then once we are back and settling into a restful 4th of July we get the news that my nephew's wife had her long awaited baby at 2:45 am! Esther has been welcomed into the Cannon clan with open arms and we can't wait to see her. She shares her birthday with the only Cannon RedHead, Atticus. He turned 7 this year and we had a nice time celebrating his birthday with cupcakes, hot dogs and fireworks.

Oh yes how could I forget that we are hosting one of Johns nephews for a few weeks. Nathan has been a great help to us in watching the kids and playing with Logan. Nathan is autistic and it has been intersting and fun getting to know him better. I start work on the 7th at Discover card and he will help me out with the overlap in time between when I leave for work and john gets home.

On Satuday the 5th we spent time with the Andersen clan and celebrated my Neice's decision to get baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Way to go Madisen! We love you and your decision. It was lovely seeing all my brothers and sisters and catching up. Amy looks great concidering she is 8 months pregnant! The family got all "You can't have another one so soon" when I mentioned that I needed to get some supplemental insurance and I have finally gotten to the point that it all just rolls off my back. I feel horrible for those in my aquaintance that have a difficult time getting pregnant and I have understanding for those who are not at peace with having children close together, but each person has a different way to deal with the "multiply and replenish" advice given to us. I am ok with that.

Ok more later

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Major Decisions

John and I have made a huge decision recently. Due to the rising cost of everything and well lets be honest folks, some not very smart decisions on our part, I will be returning to work. It kills me that I need to go back to work, but it will be good for the long run. We plan on paying down/off all of our debt with the additional salary so that I will be able to come back home full time after a year.

So I had an interview with Discover Card Services yesterday, I got there at 2pm and didn't leave that blasted building until 5:45pm! I got the job, I didn't really ever question it, but still 4 hours? I should have been paid for that! My wonderful friend watched the kids for me and now I get to find a babysitter for the kids every day for a few hours so I can go to training starting July 7th. Oh I am going to miss my babies! Anyone have a few thousand dollars laying around I could have?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Long Time No See?

Ok so I was informed that I don't blog enough. Ok I agree! Let me just tell you that I spent two hours of my life at the Drivers Licence Division of the DMV on Monday. It was a blast. After waiting in the "get a number" line for 20 minutes, I spent the next hour in the very comfortable chairs, they have lazyboys now. Didn't you know that? Anyway after freezing to death under the celing fan and air conditioner duct, I checked to make sure my number wasn't going to come up any time soon. It wasn't. I went out to my car and grabbed a notebook and a pen from my purse. I began to write a little prose about monsters, children and potty training. One day I will have to post that to the blog. It is pretty funny.

Oh yes, I just got my booth assignment of booths at westfest this year. It will be at the West Valley Rec Center the last weekend in June if you are going to be out and about, come by and say Hi. I will be tucked into the northwest corner of the booths this year.

I am also clearing out all the toys we own. I can't stand the way our family room looks after a long day of "toss the toy" that seems to be the favorite game. Emma stands at the toy boxes, yes there are boxes of toys, and tosses the toys across the room looking for her favorites. They don't understand that they need to clean up after themselves. I guess that is really my fault, because I have never instilled in them the joy of picking up. I have always done it. I take all the blame, but I just can't do it anymore. With three kids and laundry for the three kids and one husband it is a long day and I don't have the energy to clean up at night. Hey everyone, I am ready for the next kid! I have completely given up hope of ever getting on top of this housecleaning thing so why not just add one more excuse for it to be messy all the time?

Oh here is the kicker! I have to get a job. It kills me that I need one, but with the price of gas, groceries and everything else going up, we just don't have the money anymore to make it without a second income. I do get to work part time and at night once John is at home, but still I really enjoyed being a stay at home mom. If only my business would pick up and start making me some money!!!!! Anyone want to buy a bow? An embellished Tee? How about a chalk mat?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just another day

It is just another day right? Thought I would add a bit to my blog about how the day has been. Saturday I was able to get a little sewing done, so excited! I finished up an outfit I was making ( and then on Sunday I was able to get a few more things finished and listed on my website ( John was a great help on sunday. He was able to keep the kids entertained enough that I got three shirts appliqued and several bows finished.

I am busy getting my stock up for the craft fair season. I am planning on doing the craft fair at West Fest( this year and I am thinking I might do some other small ones around town. I am going to be busy busy making stuff for this event and so I have my babysitter coming over after school to take the kids to the park a few times so that I have some time to get bows and tutu's made.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Back to the Potty!

Ok we are going to give this another try. I am sick of diapers and I am sick of Emma's rashes because she has sensitive skin and we are lazy! I know it is horrible, but I can't drop everything and change her diaper the second she poop's. Yesterday went pretty good. Just one or two accidents. We went to the store and bought her a Dora potty seat that sits on the regular toilet and that makes her happy. She still wants a princess one, but we couldn't find one.

We have no thoughts on potty training Rachel(but wouldn't it be nice if she could!).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've been tagged!

I have been tagged by Amy. Not sure if I like this virtual game! Too much information!!

Rules are this, if you are tagged you take these questions and post them on your own blog with your own unique answers. Have fun getting to know your friends!

10 years ago:

Ok that was 1998 right? Well I believe I was in New Jersey being a nanny right about now. I just realized not too long ago that the children that I was a nanny for are now 21 and 16, 13 and 12, and then 20 and 16. Wow if that didn't make me feel old!

5 Things on my To-Do List:

1. Laundry or my husband will go to work in dirty clothes
2. Kill the dog for eating Logans lunch(again!)
3. Go upstairs and get Rachel from her nap. (she is screaming right now)
4. Head over to the bank
5. Make some hair clips and a shirt for my store.

5 Snacks I enjoy:

1. Chocolate
2. Chocolate covered pretzels
3. Chocolate covered peanuts
4. Chocolate covered cookies
and last but not least
5. Trail Mix (with chocolate of course)

5 foods that I love:

1. Chicken CordonBlu
2. Indian Food
3. Lasagna
4. Anything I didn't have to fix
5. A nice MLT, Where the Muttin is nice and lean and the tomatoes and nice and juicy

What would I do if I were suddenly a Billionaire?

First and formost I would feint. After I recovered from the shock I would have a blast fixing up my current house. I just can't stand it and would love to do all those "Do it yourself" kinds of things. I would then sell said house. Whether or not I made a profit.

I would then buy a nice 4000 sqft house in utah(don't want to be too ostentatious), an equally sized home in some other state of the union, one in europe somewhere and then of course we would have a house in Hondo.

Hire a nanny and staff to keep the house clean and then travel all over the place.

Set up a college fund for everyone of my family who wanted one(neices and nephews mostly) and then I would open a gas station. Every 9 days I would reduce the price of gas to 50 cents a gallon for 5 hours( the hours would be random so no one could anticipate it).

Places that I have lived:
1. Provo, UT
2. American Fork, UT
3. Ephriam, Ut
4. American Fork again
5. Stamford, CT
6. American fork again
7. Logan, UT
American fork again
8. York, England
American Fork
9. Provo, UT
10. Kinnelon, NJ
11. Millburn, NJ
american fork
12. Provo, UT
13. Orem, UT
14. Salt Lake City, UT
15. West Valley City, UT

Favorite Quote:

"Do or do not, there is no try." ~Yoda

By the way, I did stop and get Rachel so don't worry about that!


Kati and Nancy and Heather

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter was Great!

We loved Easter this year. Church was on the early schedule for us so I talked to the Easter bunny and we agreed he would hold off on our house until after we were at church. Well we got the kids off to church and once we got home, he had been at the house! Logan had the biggest eyes when he saw what was left out for him! A huge basket full of candy and Marvel walkie-talkies.
Emma was super excited for the Mermaid Dora doll she got and has had endless hours of fun opening and then making me close all those little plastic eggs.

We went down to my brothers house for Easter dinner this year, and it was a huge success as always. Of course we now need to buy a playstation 2 and Spyro the Dragon game. Logan was talking about it all the way home! He has it in his head that Uncle Brian will trade us the PS2 for our Wii(if only for a week). I haven't mentioned it to Brian, but if Brooke is reading this, you now know.
Easter Egg hunt this year was so much fun. Emma and Logan both shot out of the door and b-lined it to the eggs. They had their baskets full in seconds! Emma was all about finding the eggs and well truth be told, Logan was off and I didn't see him untill his basket was full. He was so proud of his eggs!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Personal Triumph

I am now under 200 lbs! I haven't been that "light" since high school or shortly there after!

Yay for me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Love my kids

So I have said that Emma is a hoot to have around. Well, right now she is in a pampered chef box singing the ABC's and playing with toys she has deposited in the box. I think she loves playing by herself because she has the best friend anywhere . . . herself!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why my kids don't like baths

Ok so I just figured out why Logan doesn't like getting his hair washed. It is the method in which we wash his hair.

Do you think that washing them in the washing machine is wrong? Well it doesn't help that I also use the industrial hair dryer to get them dry either! :)

Did you notice Rachel in the dryer?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Emma is Cute

Hooray for Mommy! Ok I just love this picture really. I have to put down some of the fun things I catch Emma doing when she thinks I am now watching. Not too long ago, I was on my bed nursing/dozing and Emma came in and saw that I was "sleeping" and so she very quietly started to play and sing. She made it all the way through "Twinkle Twinkle" and started up "ABC's". Well half way through that one, she reverted back to Twinkle Twinkle and then back to ABC's and finished with a big "What you ARRRRREE"

I can't really blame her, those songs are identical melodies, and we sing them pretty much every day. She is also my go-to girl when I need a prayer said. She always wants to say prayer at bedtime, dinner, really anytime a prayer is called for. When I ask her how we start the prayer, however, she says in her little pixie voice, "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!" Well, Not exactly Emma, but that is the first song that we sing at bedtime, since the kids get to sing with me on the first song. Now usually it is Me or John that guide the prayer for Emma, but one night I think it was saturday night, I started out helping Emma but Logan decided that it was his turn to help and he guided her the rest of the way. He made sure to bless the Missionaries that they can be "Thanksed" and Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Scott and then the big finish, "have a good night sleep" which when Logan says the prayer by himself, is always the last thing he says.

I have to say, having kids is the greatest thing ever! When I was a child I thought having a million dollars would be the greatest thing, and really I woudn't turn it down if it was offered, but don't ever take away my kids! The give me a barrel full of laughs every day! See as I was writting, Logan tried to ride the dog! Now Casper is not a very large dog, and he really hates being ridden so Logan got dumped on his fanny. Laughs all the time! So now I end this particular blog in the same manner I began it but with one difference.

Hooray for Kids!
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You Can Make This!

One of my favorite sites is having a contest to win a date night. I love this site and want to buy so many of their patterns, but I have to pace myself. I haven't even used all the ones I have yet! I am currently lusting over the bags and a few of the dresses. Oh and I want those cupcake bags!

Anyway, they are You Can Make This so go check them out.

New Dog

Well we finally did it. We got a dog. We decided to rescue a dog who needed a home instead of getting a puppy that I would have to train. I can't tell you how much of a good thing this is!

I love that I don't have to train him and he is such a good dog. His name is Casper and he is a Lab mix. He is a medium sized dog, white/light tan color and has a curly tail. Casper likes Moe, a feeling which is not currently reciprocated. Moe is doing pretty good concidering though. He really didn't like Scooby, but Scooby was a bit more energetic so that might have added to the poor cats dislike. We love the gate, but found out this morning that we don't need it closed all the time! I didn't close the gate last night when I came back from a friends house, so when John let him out this morning, I was a bit concerned, but before I could get downstairs he was back in the house!

Only had him one day and he is happy with the place I think. He is microchipped so I just need to get it scanned and changed over to our info, which when adopting a stray is free! Yay. He came with a bed, blanket, a few toys and a retractable leash. I will post pictures once I figure out where my cable went that connects my phone to the computer.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Potty Training

It's not going so well. I forgot that my DD has issues with her poops! They are not always predictable and formed. Ok so that is really gross to post on a web site, but it's the truth! GRRRRRR I really don't want her to be in diapers anymore, and really neither does she. I bought tons of underwear for her to wear, and she loves them. She loves her Dora mermaid unders!

Oh good greif! Wahhhh

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hodini . . . I mean Emma

Ok so Emma is going to drive me nuts! As anyone knows who knows me, she is a beast to keep dressed. That girl loves to run around without clothes on. Well this week she has a new trick, taking off her diaper. Every time I turn around she is diaperless, and since this is Emma we are talking about, that means completely naked! I mean it is January! It is going to be 18 degrees as a High tomorrow!

So we are potty training now. I don't know how I will accomplish this, but I can't not do it! This week I have 8 children in my house. Ok so that is only for two house tuesday and thursday for preschool but still! We shall see what happens! Wish me luck!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Worked out!

Ok I walked on the treadmill today. I got up around 8am which for me was sleeping in. Emma or Rachel is usually up and ready to go by 7 or 7:30 every morning. I get the baby and start to nurse her. I usually watch Fox 13 news in the morning and today was no different. Not much on the news but murder and Tae Kwan Do. The two big kids got up and were downstairs by 8:30 so that means Dora the Explorer. I don't care to watch this show myself, but the kids love it!

I had 30 minutes before the little boy I babysit was going to be here, so I put Rach under the arch 'o toys and started up the treadmill. I am impresseed with myself, I walked for 25 minutes, at 2-3 incline and 3-4mph for most of it. Go me! I have started to concentrate on my wellbeing, both physical and spritual, this year. I am getting flabby in all the ways a person can get flabby!

Ok, Rach is not going down for her nap so I need to cut it short. Back soon!

My kids

So I thought I would post a picture of my kids. These might be outdated, but they are still super cute!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Blog

Ok so this is the first blog I have ever made, and I am not sure why anyone would want to know what is going on in my life. But Oh well, we shall see if anyone even comes by to check this out.

Don't forget to check out my website at for some fun things to dress up your child or your inner child.
