I can't really blame her, those songs are identical melodies, and we sing them pretty much every day. She is also my go-to girl when I need a prayer said. She always wants to say prayer at bedtime, dinner, really anytime a prayer is called for. When I ask her how we start the prayer, however, she says in her little pixie voice, "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!" Well, Not exactly Emma, but that is the first song that we sing at bedtime, since the kids get to sing with me on the first song. Now usually it is Me or John that guide the prayer for Emma, but one night I think it was saturday night, I started out helping Emma but Logan decided that it was his turn to help and he guided her the rest of the way. He made sure to bless the Missionaries that they can be "Thanksed" and Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Scott and then the big finish, "have a good night sleep" which when Logan says the prayer by himself, is always the last thing he says.
I have to say, having kids is the greatest thing ever! When I was a child I thought having a million dollars would be the greatest thing, and really I woudn't turn it down if it was offered, but don't ever take away my kids! The give me a barrel full of laughs every day! See as I was writting, Logan tried to ride the dog! Now Casper is not a very large dog, and he really hates being ridden so Logan got dumped on his fanny. Laughs all the time! So now I end this particular blog in the same manner I began it but with one difference.
Hooray for Kids!
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