Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've been tagged!

I have been tagged by Amy. Not sure if I like this virtual game! Too much information!!

Rules are this, if you are tagged you take these questions and post them on your own blog with your own unique answers. Have fun getting to know your friends!

10 years ago:

Ok that was 1998 right? Well I believe I was in New Jersey being a nanny right about now. I just realized not too long ago that the children that I was a nanny for are now 21 and 16, 13 and 12, and then 20 and 16. Wow if that didn't make me feel old!

5 Things on my To-Do List:

1. Laundry or my husband will go to work in dirty clothes
2. Kill the dog for eating Logans lunch(again!)
3. Go upstairs and get Rachel from her nap. (she is screaming right now)
4. Head over to the bank
5. Make some hair clips and a shirt for my store.

5 Snacks I enjoy:

1. Chocolate
2. Chocolate covered pretzels
3. Chocolate covered peanuts
4. Chocolate covered cookies
and last but not least
5. Trail Mix (with chocolate of course)

5 foods that I love:

1. Chicken CordonBlu
2. Indian Food
3. Lasagna
4. Anything I didn't have to fix
5. A nice MLT, Where the Muttin is nice and lean and the tomatoes and nice and juicy

What would I do if I were suddenly a Billionaire?

First and formost I would feint. After I recovered from the shock I would have a blast fixing up my current house. I just can't stand it and would love to do all those "Do it yourself" kinds of things. I would then sell said house. Whether or not I made a profit.

I would then buy a nice 4000 sqft house in utah(don't want to be too ostentatious), an equally sized home in some other state of the union, one in europe somewhere and then of course we would have a house in Hondo.

Hire a nanny and staff to keep the house clean and then travel all over the place.

Set up a college fund for everyone of my family who wanted one(neices and nephews mostly) and then I would open a gas station. Every 9 days I would reduce the price of gas to 50 cents a gallon for 5 hours( the hours would be random so no one could anticipate it).

Places that I have lived:
1. Provo, UT
2. American Fork, UT
3. Ephriam, Ut
4. American Fork again
5. Stamford, CT
6. American fork again
7. Logan, UT
American fork again
8. York, England
American Fork
9. Provo, UT
10. Kinnelon, NJ
11. Millburn, NJ
american fork
12. Provo, UT
13. Orem, UT
14. Salt Lake City, UT
15. West Valley City, UT

Favorite Quote:

"Do or do not, there is no try." ~Yoda

By the way, I did stop and get Rachel so don't worry about that!


Kati and Nancy and Heather

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