Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to School

Ok so I am not going back to school, but I am going back to daycare. I was going to watch a friend of Logan's this year until his older siblings got home from school, but I figured why not add another one so there was a friend for emma too. Well I did and now I have 4 additional kids! It is wonderful. Oddly enough I really am enjoying it. I have never been so tired at the end of the day, but it is very easy going kind of day. The kids are all getting along really well together, knock on wood, and that gives me a few minutes a day to get my house picked up or cleaned a little bit.

Yes I am keeping the house fairly clean. I can't say that it is spotless at all times, or ever really, but you can see the carpet in all the rooms, the bottom of both kitchen sink basins, and the counter tops. I even manage to mop the floor once a week!

The extra money is great to help with the few bills that we were falling behind on and some in the coffers for some sod this fall! Yay!!! I will have grass that can be walked on in bare feet. What a concept! It is just the back little bit, but I really needed to have some grass in there with all the kids I have during the day.

Oh and congrats to Heather and Jared~ You know why.


Heather-hoo Andersen said...

Thanks for the congrats!! We are excited but really scared too!! So - are you still working at Discover?

Amy A. said...

Sounds like you have your hands full!! Good luck with everything. It must be nice to have some play mates for your kids.

Sherri said...

No Discover. That lasted about a blink of the eye. :) I just am not cut out to be an employee. I hated it! HOWEVER, I love the daycare! It is a blast and the kids all play so well together.