Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things I didn't think about until now.

I realized that I am not really prepared for this baby. I just set up the crib but could only find one sheet. So now I need to find more sheets. I will probably just make a few since crib sheets are small and easy enough. Secondly I was at church last sunday and the family in front of me had a baby. She spit up a bit and they went diving into the diaper bag looking for a rag or cloth to clean up her face. They couldn't find any and I could only find a few once I got home. Yeah I am pretty sure I had two dozen or more when I packed them away!

Bigger house + Louder kids = I need a baby monitor. Can I find the one I used to have? No of course not! It sucked anyway though so a new one (or new to me anyway) will be just fine. I have no binkies. I have no bottles. If this child needs to use either of these items I will have to buy new ones. Great yet another expense (potentially)!

All the baby clothes are in the crawl space. In so many bins and boxes as to make me cringe. I managed to find about 10 sleepers of neutral gender and bring them up to wash so I hope that will work out until I can get my Darling Husband to go down there and find me the correct gendered bins full of clothing. At least i don't have to buy anything in that department! yay for 4th kids who will most likely never have the need for new clothes. :) (Like that would ever happen, but we can dream right?)

I'll add more later, I am sure more will come!

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